AFAR is advancing the understanding and treatment of Sex Addiction
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porn Internet Searches
68 million
searches everyday

Pornhub Visitors
2.4 million
visitors per hour

porn Internet views
4.3 billion
hours watched in 2021

2.5 billion
pornographic emails
Now is the time for us to act.
AFAR creates lasting solutions for sex addiction.
The American Foundation for Addiction Research (AFAR) envisions a world where sex addiction is universally acknowledged, understood, and accepted as a mental health disorder. Through pioneering research, public education, and persistent advocacy, we strive to create a world where individuals, families, and communities can experience freedom from the disease of sex addiction.
Together we can
end sex addiction.
Research is the core of AFAR’s mission. It is only through continued scientific investigation and analysis that we learn more about the origins of addiction, how treatment works, what motivates addicts to seek recovery, and how to keep addicts from relapsing. Through research we have learned that addiction is a chronic, but treatable brain disease.
Education will make the biggest culture shifts in how we identify and treat addiction. As individuals, we think it’s easier to be blind to addiction. Without speaking out and educating society, myths and stigmas will continue. And, people who need treatment will be afraid to seek treatment. Education is critical to eradicating addiction.
We must empower and inspire our policymakers and citizens with information, direction, and roadmaps in order to enact change. We engage with policy-makers and legislators on the local and national levels to enact legislation that address the identification, treatment, prevention of addiction and strike at the roots of the disease.
24 million Americans are
affected by sex or pornography addiction.
AFAR will concentrate its efforts on three critical areas of addiction:
- Sexual addiction
- Internet pornography addiction
- Effect of the internet, and specifically internet pornography, on children.
We’ve targeted these addictions because of their explosive growth and destructive potential. In fact, these addictions are growing exponentially among young people. Addiction rates are growing in our children faster than any other age group due to the access, anonymity and affordability of the internet.
AFAR’s Proud Sponsors

AFAR creates lasting solutions for all addictions.
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